Ukulele – The Sheik of Araby (Ukulele resonator Fine Resophonic)

Direct link to the video on youtube : HERE

Hello every one…

Today I have try to do as good as I can a version of the Sheik of araby with my Resonator Ukulele .
I love this song… with the help of the youtube version of this song (in French by Matohota) I have try to do a complete version (part one and part two).

For the part two, the guitar chords proposition of “the guitar guy” help me very much.
You can find it HERE (this is a very good web site for those who search good jazz chords arrangement).

In this video I am playing my Fine Resophonic Ukulele (more Info HERE)
I have done my best for the music (and for the English accent !!!!)… I hope you will enjoy this video.
The Sheik of araby is a song composed by Ted Snyder and written by Harry B Smith and Francis Wheeler in 1921  (More info on Wikipedia HERE)

Sheik_of_araby_ukulele_ael - CopiePour ceux qui voudraient avoir quelques précisions par rapport à l’ukulele sur lequel je joue dans cette vidéo. Sachez que cet ukulele a été fait totalement (sauf les mécaniques) par le luthier Mike Lewis (Fine Resophonic Paris)

Voici quelques photos de cette Rolls de l’ukulele à résonateur ! Tout les jours je me dis que j’ai bien de la chance de pouvoir jouer pareil instrument ! Bravo monsieur Lewis !

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